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Subject: FR - Nomination Peace Ambassador

le 16 Mars 2006


* All those who work for Peace form a same Spirit, a same Soul,
a same Heart , a Same Body, a same Universal Peace Family *
(Universal Ambassador Peace Family )

We are Happy to to announce that you have been proposed
and nominated for the title of :
Universal Peace Ambassador
in the framework of the Universal Ambassador Peace Circle .

This suggestion will take effect if you accept ( see document below )
While Awaiting the pleasure of your response,
We send our warmest wishes.

In all Universal Brotherhood of Peace

Jean Paul NOUCHI
President Founder
Universal Ambassador Peace Circle
& Universal Peace Embassy


Dear Friends in Peace ,

The Worldwide Council of the Universal Ambassador Peace Circle
is happy to to announce to you, the list of the proposed and nominated personality
for the Title of :
Universal Peace Ambassador,
in the framework of the Universal Ambassador Peace Circle .

The Title will only becomes effective after the acceptance of
the proposed nominees and the return of the information card
at the end of this message.

Proposed :


Nominated :

Mr Robert Muller ......................................USA-Monde
Ancien Secretaire General adjoint ONU
Chancelier Honoraire University for Peace ONU au Costa rica,
Site : http://www.goodmorningworld.org

Mr Maurice Bejart......................................Suisse-Monde
Choregraphe, Directeur Bejart Ballet Lausanne
Site : http://bejart.ch

Mr Pierre LARONDE................................Charenton France-Monde
President Fondateur Festival Mondial de la terre
Site: www.festivaldelaterre.org

Mr Bawa Jaïn .............................................USA-World
Se Gal / Chairman
World Council of Religious Leaders/ World Youth Peace Summit
Site : www.wyps.org

Mr Marc Verriere ......................................France-Monde
Producteur Artistique
Fondateur World Philarmonic Orchestra
Site : www.world-orchestral.com

Mr James Twyman......................................USA-World
Writer, Musicien, Peace Troubadour
Site . www.emissaryoflight.com

Ms Nancy Roof ...........................................USA-World
Founder Kosmos Journal
Site: www.kosmosjournal.org

Mr le Grand Rabbin Marc Raphaël Guedj..... Suisse-Israël-Monde
Co-Fondateur 1er Congres Mondial Imams & Rabbins for Peace

Mr Dalil Boubakeur ...................................France-Monde
Recteur Mosquée de Paris

Swami Amarananda ....................................Suisse-Inde-Monde
Centre Vedantique de Geneve

Mr Claude Lelouch......................................France-Monde
Producteur, Realisateur Films 13
Site: www.lesfilms13.com

Lama Gangchen...........................................Italy-Tibet-Chine-Monde
President World peace Congress
Site: www.worldpeacecongress.net

Mr Michel Random.....................................France-Japon-Monde
Ecrivain, Conferencier, Cinéaste

Mme Maria Cristina Azcona ......................Argentine-Monde
Site: www.azcona.bravehost.com

Sensei Henry Plee .......................................France-Japon-Monde
10eme Dan Karaté

Sensei Christian Tissier...............................France-Japon-Monde
Grand Maître Aïkido
Site: www.christiantissier.com

Grand Master William Cheung...................Australie-Monde
High Master Wing Chun ( Master of Bruce Lee )
Site: www.cheungswingchun.com

Mr Pierre Laronde ......................................France-Monde
Fondateur Festival Mondial de la Terre
Site: www.festivaldelaterre.org

Progesseur Ada Aharoni .............................Israël-Monde
Presidente Fondatrice IFLAC
Site : www.iflac.com/ada

Mr Jean Pierre Chambraud ........................France-Monde
Bouddhisme Actualités
Site: www.bouddhisme-actu.net

Mme Annie Lauro........................................France-Monde
Artiste Peintre

Richard Goode..............................................Australia-World
Pdt Fondateur 2 Billion Voices for Peace
Site : www.2bvp.com

Mme Johanne Hauber-Bieth .......................France-Monde
Presidente Fondatrice Pantheon Universel Poesie
Site : http://lalyrebleue.oldiblog.fr

Mr Luis Arias Manzo....................................Chili-Monde
Fondateur Poetas del Mundo
Site: www.poetasdelmundo.com

Mr Jack Yfar .................................................Suisse-Monde
Dr Theâtre Gd Casino de Geneve

Mme Deborah Moldow .................................USA-World
Site: www.worldpeace.org

Mr Jean Claude Brialy...................................France-Monde
Mr Michel le Royer........................................France-Monde
Mr ADAMO....................................................Belgique-Monde
Mr Nicolas Peyrac..........................................France-Monde
Maitre LIU DEHUA.......................................France-Chine-Monde
Mme Lai Ching Ping.......................................France-Chine-Monde
Pdt Charles Mercieca.....................................USA-World
Swami Omanand Bharti..................................India-World
Mlle Nathalie Bornet......................................Suisse-Monde
MlleMicaëla Fortini........................................Suisse-monde
Mme Christiane Gugger.................................Suisse-monde
Mlle Lida Sherafatmand.................................Malte-Monde
Mr Claudio Alessi...........................................Suisse-Monde
Mr Gerard Fougerouse...................................France-Monde

& 300 others Peace Ambassadors In The World, In 40 Countries


TO The Président of the Universal Ambassador Peace Circle
Universal Peace Embassy

I Thank you, as well as the Worldwide Council of the Universal Ambassador Peace Circle
for having chosen me as a:
and I am Honored and Proud to accept this Tittle :

Mr. Ms .................................................

Born le ........................................................A.............


ADDRESS ------------------------------------

CITY ................................................COUNTRY : ......................


E-Mail :................................................

Site : .................................................


Signed at .....................................................Date .....................................

Signature du Nominee

Please return to :

Universal Ambassador Peace Circle .
Universal Peace Embassy
CP 417 1211 Geneve 19 Suisse